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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2019; 48(10): 1120-1126

Published online October 31, 2019

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Effects of Fermented Dendropanax morbifera Extract on the Quality of Kimchi during Fermentation

Dohee Kim1, Songmi Lee2, and Hee-Kyong Ro2

1Department of Food and Nutrition, Graduate School of Dongshin University; 2Department of Food and Nutrition, Dongshin University


This study examined the quality of Kimchi prepared with fermented Dendropanax morbifera extract. The fermented D. morbifera extract was added to salted cabbage at concentrations of 0%, 2.5%, 5% or 10% and stored at 4°C for 49 days to compare physicochemical and microbiological characteristics. In the period from 7 to 14 days, the pH of Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract decreased and the acidity increased. The lowest lightness, redness and yellowness of the Hunter’s color values were observed in Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 10% at 21 days. The hardness during the fermentation period was higher in all Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract compared to Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 0%, and Kimchi prepared with the fermented D. morbifera extract of 10% showed the highest hardness value. The Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 0% showed a sharp decrease in hardness during the fermentation period. However, Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract decreased gently, inhibiting the softening of the Kimchi tissues. The reduction of sugar content showed no difference between different Kimchi except for the first and 21st days. The growth of total bacteria and lactic acid bacteria were high in the early stages of maturation, but the growth of the bacteria was inhibited after the mature stage. Therefore, the addition of fermented D. morbifera extract appears to be an reasonable approach to enhancing the quality of Kimchi without reduction of acceptability.

Keywords: kimchi, Dendropanax morbifera, fermentation, quality



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2019; 48(10): 1120-1126

Published online October 31, 2019

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

황칠발효액 첨가가 배추김치의 숙성 중 품질에 미치는 영향

Effects of Fermented Dendropanax morbifera Extract on the Quality of Kimchi during Fermentation

Dohee Kim*1, Songmi Lee*2, and Hee-Kyong Ro*2

*1Department of Food and Nutrition, Graduate School of Dongshin University; *2Department of Food and Nutrition, Dongshin University


This study examined the quality of Kimchi prepared with fermented Dendropanax morbifera extract. The fermented D. morbifera extract was added to salted cabbage at concentrations of 0%, 2.5%, 5% or 10% and stored at 4°C for 49 days to compare physicochemical and microbiological characteristics. In the period from 7 to 14 days, the pH of Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract decreased and the acidity increased. The lowest lightness, redness and yellowness of the Hunter’s color values were observed in Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 10% at 21 days. The hardness during the fermentation period was higher in all Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract compared to Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 0%, and Kimchi prepared with the fermented D. morbifera extract of 10% showed the highest hardness value. The Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract of 0% showed a sharp decrease in hardness during the fermentation period. However, Kimchi prepared with fermented D. morbifera extract decreased gently, inhibiting the softening of the Kimchi tissues. The reduction of sugar content showed no difference between different Kimchi except for the first and 21st days. The growth of total bacteria and lactic acid bacteria were high in the early stages of maturation, but the growth of the bacteria was inhibited after the mature stage. Therefore, the addition of fermented D. morbifera extract appears to be an reasonable approach to enhancing the quality of Kimchi without reduction of acceptability.

Keywords: kimchi, Dendropanax morbifera, fermentation, quality