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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2018; 47(5): 559-564

Published online May 31, 2018

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Physicochemical and Textural Properties of Emulsified Sausage with Potato Starch and Transglutaminase

Kyeong Hoon Lim and Koo Bok Chin

Department of Animal Science, Chonnam National University


This study examined the effects of a combination of potato starch (PS) and transglutaminase (TGase) on the physicochemical and textural properties of emulsified sausages (ES). The experiment design was 2 (no TGase vs TGase 1%)? (PS levels, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5%) factorial design. The pH of ESs with 1% TGase was higher than those without TGase (P<0.05). The addition of TGase decreased the yellowness and expressible moisture (EM, %) (P<0.05). The cooking losses (CL, %) were reduced with the addition of TGase in combination with PS (P<0.05). The addition of TGase increased the textural hardness and springiness (P<0.05). In addition, ESs with TGase had better water holding capacity than those without TGase. The pH and color values of ESs with PS were similar (P>0.05). EM and CL of ES with 1.5% PS was the lowest among other treatments (P<0.05). On the other hand, no differences in textural properties of ES were observed with the addition of PS, regardless of the level added (P>0.05). In conclusion, ESs with PS showed better water holding capacity and CL than those without PS, when TGase was incorporated into the sausage mixture.

Keywords: potato starch, transglutaminase, physicochemical properties, textural properties, emulsified sausage



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2018; 47(5): 559-564

Published online May 31, 2018

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

감자전분과 미생물 효소(Transglutaminase)를 첨가한 유화형 모델 소시지의 이화학적 및 조직 특성

Physicochemical and Textural Properties of Emulsified Sausage with Potato Starch and Transglutaminase

Kyeong Hoon Lim and Koo Bok Chin

Department of Animal Science, Chonnam National University


This study examined the effects of a combination of potato starch (PS) and transglutaminase (TGase) on the physicochemical and textural properties of emulsified sausages (ES). The experiment design was 2 (no TGase vs TGase 1%)? (PS levels, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5%) factorial design. The pH of ESs with 1% TGase was higher than those without TGase (P<0.05). The addition of TGase decreased the yellowness and expressible moisture (EM, %) (P<0.05). The cooking losses (CL, %) were reduced with the addition of TGase in combination with PS (P<0.05). The addition of TGase increased the textural hardness and springiness (P<0.05). In addition, ESs with TGase had better water holding capacity than those without TGase. The pH and color values of ESs with PS were similar (P>0.05). EM and CL of ES with 1.5% PS was the lowest among other treatments (P<0.05). On the other hand, no differences in textural properties of ES were observed with the addition of PS, regardless of the level added (P>0.05). In conclusion, ESs with PS showed better water holding capacity and CL than those without PS, when TGase was incorporated into the sausage mixture.

Keywords: potato starch, transglutaminase, physicochemical properties, textural properties, emulsified sausage