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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2016; 45(10): 1430-1437

Published online October 31, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Isoflavone Composition and Estrogenic Activity of Germinated Soybeans (Glycine max) according to Variety

Min Young Kim1, Gwi Yeong Jang1, Yeong Mi Ji1 , Kyung Mi Kim2, Hongsik Kim3, Junsoo Lee1, and Heon Sang Jeong1

1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology and 2Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University; 3National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration


This study was performed to investigate the changes in isoflavone composition, estrogenic activity and antiestrogenic activity of soybean cultivars of different isoflavone content (Aga 8, Uram, Cheongja 3, and Dawon) with germination. Total isoflavone contents of Aga 8, Dawon and Cheongja 3 was increased from 2,671.74, 261.08 and 2,240.08 to 2,977.50, 966.13 and 2,354.11 μg/g, respectively after germination except for Uram cultivars, and highest contents of total isoflavone showed 2,977.50 μg/g and 2,354.11 μg/g, respectively in Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 after germination. MTT cell proliferation assay using MCF-7 cells revealed that germinated soybean of Aga 8 and Cheonja 3 obtained not only contained a high content of isoflavone but also had estrogenic activity. Estrogenic activity of Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 soybean extracts increased from 116.21% and 101.60% to 135.34% and 121.05% after germination. These results suggest that germinated soybean of Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 might have a potential preventive effect on estrogen-deficient diseases.

Keywords: soybean, varieties, germination, isoflavone, estrogenic activity



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2016; 45(10): 1430-1437

Published online October 31, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

품종별 발아 콩(Glycine max)의 아이소플라본 조성 및 In Vitro 에스트로겐 유사활성

Isoflavone Composition and Estrogenic Activity of Germinated Soybeans (Glycine max) according to Variety

Min Young Kim*1, Gwi Yeong Jang*1, Yeong Mi Ji*1 , Kyung Mi Kim*2, Hongsik Kim*3, Junsoo Lee*1, and Heon Sang Jeong*1

*1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology and *2Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University; *3National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration


This study was performed to investigate the changes in isoflavone composition, estrogenic activity and antiestrogenic activity of soybean cultivars of different isoflavone content (Aga 8, Uram, Cheongja 3, and Dawon) with germination. Total isoflavone contents of Aga 8, Dawon and Cheongja 3 was increased from 2,671.74, 261.08 and 2,240.08 to 2,977.50, 966.13 and 2,354.11 μg/g, respectively after germination except for Uram cultivars, and highest contents of total isoflavone showed 2,977.50 μg/g and 2,354.11 μg/g, respectively in Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 after germination. MTT cell proliferation assay using MCF-7 cells revealed that germinated soybean of Aga 8 and Cheonja 3 obtained not only contained a high content of isoflavone but also had estrogenic activity. Estrogenic activity of Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 soybean extracts increased from 116.21% and 101.60% to 135.34% and 121.05% after germination. These results suggest that germinated soybean of Aga 8 and Cheongja 3 might have a potential preventive effect on estrogen-deficient diseases.

Keywords: soybean, varieties, germination, isoflavone, estrogenic activity