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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2015; 44(3): 434-441

Published online March 31, 2015

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Comparison of Imported Wheat Flour Bread Making Properties and Korean Wheat Flour Bread Making Properties Made by Various Bread Making Methods

Won-Mo Kim1 and Gyu-Hee Lee2

1Department of Baking & Pastry, Woosong College; 2Culinary Science Research Center, Woosong University


To develop dough methods for improving bread making properties of Korean wheat flour, straight dough methods (SDM) and dough and sponge methods (DSM) were applied. The bread making properties such as weight of bread, specific volume, baking loss, crumb color, and texture were analyzed. In comparison of flour properties between Korean wheat flour and imported wheat flour by Farinograph, Korean wheat flour showed less gluten network form ability than imported wheat flour. The dough making method affected bread quality such as weight of bread, specific volume, and baking loss. SDM had a more desirable effect on bread quality. Crumb color was lighter in bread made with Korean wheat flour compared to imported wheat flour, whereas dough making method did not affect crumb color. In consumer acceptance analysis, bread made by DSM showed higher consumer acceptance than that made by SDM. Regarding physicochemical changes during storage, bread made by SDM using Korean wheat flour showed higher chewiness, brittleness, and hardness than that made by imported wheat flour. However, bread made by DSM showed similar chewiness as bread made by SDM using imported wheat flour. The bread making properties of bread made by DSM is improved versus that of bread made with Korean wheat flour.

Keywords: Korean wheat flour, straight dough method, dough and sponge method, bread, properties



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2015; 44(3): 434-441

Published online March 31, 2015

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

수입밀의 제빵 적성과 반죽법을 달리한 우리밀 제빵 적성의 비교

Comparison of Imported Wheat Flour Bread Making Properties and Korean Wheat Flour Bread Making Properties Made by Various Bread Making Methods

Won-Mo Kim*1 and Gyu-Hee Lee*2

*1Department of Baking & Pastry, Woosong College; *2Culinary Science Research Center, Woosong University


To develop dough methods for improving bread making properties of Korean wheat flour, straight dough methods (SDM) and dough and sponge methods (DSM) were applied. The bread making properties such as weight of bread, specific volume, baking loss, crumb color, and texture were analyzed. In comparison of flour properties between Korean wheat flour and imported wheat flour by Farinograph, Korean wheat flour showed less gluten network form ability than imported wheat flour. The dough making method affected bread quality such as weight of bread, specific volume, and baking loss. SDM had a more desirable effect on bread quality. Crumb color was lighter in bread made with Korean wheat flour compared to imported wheat flour, whereas dough making method did not affect crumb color. In consumer acceptance analysis, bread made by DSM showed higher consumer acceptance than that made by SDM. Regarding physicochemical changes during storage, bread made by SDM using Korean wheat flour showed higher chewiness, brittleness, and hardness than that made by imported wheat flour. However, bread made by DSM showed similar chewiness as bread made by SDM using imported wheat flour. The bread making properties of bread made by DSM is improved versus that of bread made with Korean wheat flour.

Keywords: Korean wheat flour, straight dough method, dough and sponge method, bread, properties