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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2014; 43(11): 1731-1736

Published online November 30, 2014

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Quality Characteristics of Fermented Wild Grass Juice

Yoo-Bok Ahn, Kyoung-Myoung Kang, Jin-Hak Kim, La-Young Park, and Shin-Ho Lee

Department of Food Science & Technology, Catholic University of Daegu


The quality characteristics, enzyme activity, and antioxidative activity of fermented wild grass juices were investigated during fermentation and ripening for 6 months. Fermented wild grass juice was prepared from wild grasses (Oenothera biennis, Portulaca oleracea, and Rhus verniciflua) and sugar. Wild grasses and sugar mixed at the same ratio (1:1, w/w) and ripened at 20캜 for 3 months after fermentation for 3 months at 20캜. The 캛x of all fermented wild grass juices (FWGJ) decreased during fermentation. The pH of all FWGJ decreased gradually during fermentation and did not show any significant difference during ripening. Viscosity of FWGJ increased during fermentation but decreased during ripening periods in all tested samples. Total viable cell of FWGJ decreased after fermentation for 1 month, whereas lactic acid bacteria were not detected during fermentation. Enzyme activity was lower than 1 unit during fermentation and ripening period in all tested FWGJ samples. Enzyme activity of commercial FWGJ (Acanthopanax sessiliflorum, Oenanthe javanica, Plantago asiatica L., Platycodon grandiflorum, Orostachys japonicus A.) showed lower activity of 1 unit following invertase, cellulase, and amylase activity.

Keywords: wild grass, antioxidant activity, quality characteristics, phenolic compounds, fermentation



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2014; 43(11): 1731-1736

Published online November 30, 2014

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

산야초 발효액의 품질 특성

Quality Characteristics of Fermented Wild Grass Juice

Yoo-Bok Ahn, Kyoung-Myoung Kang, Jin-Hak Kim, La-Young Park, and Shin-Ho Lee

Department of Food Science & Technology, Catholic University of Daegu


The quality characteristics, enzyme activity, and antioxidative activity of fermented wild grass juices were investigated during fermentation and ripening for 6 months. Fermented wild grass juice was prepared from wild grasses (Oenothera biennis, Portulaca oleracea, and Rhus verniciflua) and sugar. Wild grasses and sugar mixed at the same ratio (1:1, w/w) and ripened at 20캜 for 3 months after fermentation for 3 months at 20캜. The 캛x of all fermented wild grass juices (FWGJ) decreased during fermentation. The pH of all FWGJ decreased gradually during fermentation and did not show any significant difference during ripening. Viscosity of FWGJ increased during fermentation but decreased during ripening periods in all tested samples. Total viable cell of FWGJ decreased after fermentation for 1 month, whereas lactic acid bacteria were not detected during fermentation. Enzyme activity was lower than 1 unit during fermentation and ripening period in all tested FWGJ samples. Enzyme activity of commercial FWGJ (Acanthopanax sessiliflorum, Oenanthe javanica, Plantago asiatica L., Platycodon grandiflorum, Orostachys japonicus A.) showed lower activity of 1 unit following invertase, cellulase, and amylase activity.

Keywords: wild grass, antioxidant activity, quality characteristics, phenolic compounds, fermentation