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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2014; 43(11): 1695-1700

Published online November 30, 2014

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Skin Whitening and Anti-Wrinkle Effects of Extract from Jubak of Oriental Herbal Liquor

Su-min Lee1, Sang-Jin Lee1,2, Yi-Young Kwon1, Sang-Hoon Baek1, Jong-Sik Kim3, Ho-Yong Sohn4, and Woo-Chang Shin1

1Research Laboratories, Kooksoondang Brewery Co., Ltd.; 2Research Center for Cell Fate Control, College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University; 3Department of Biological Sciences and 4Department of Food and Nutrition, Andong National University


Oriental herbal liquor (Yakju) is a type of Korean traditional alcoholic beverage that uses Nuruk and oriental herbs for fermentation. The purpose of this study was to develop cosmetic ingredients using Jubak, which is a by-product of alcoholic fermentation of oriental herbal liquor. To investigate antioxidant, whitening, and anti-aging effects of Jubak, we prepared extract of Jubak and its solvent fractions. Ethyl acetate fraction (KSD E4-3) showed the most prominent free radical [1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)] scavenging activity (SC50: 0.75 mg/mL). KSD E4-3 significantly inhibited in vitro mushroom tyrosinase activity (IC50: 0.82 mg/mL) and reduced the melanin contents in mouse melanoma melanocyte, B16F10 cells. KSD E4-3 down-regulated protein expression of tyrosinase related proteins (TRP)-1, -2, which play key roles in melanogenesis. For anti-aging effects, inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) expression was evaluated using human keratinocyte, HaCaT cells. Treatment of HaCaT cells with KSD E4-3 reduced expression of MMP-1, -2, -9 and inhibited proteolytic activities of MMP-2, -9. These results suggest that KSD E4-3 induces down-regulation of cellular melanogenesis and protects against photoaging induced by UVB-induced damage. Thus KSD E4-3 could potentially be a valuable cosmetic ingredient.

Keywords: antioxidant, anti-melanogenesis, anti-wrinkle, oriental herbal liquor, Jubak



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2014; 43(11): 1695-1700

Published online November 30, 2014

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

한방 발효주 주박 추출물의 미백 및 피부 주름 개선 효과

Skin Whitening and Anti-Wrinkle Effects of Extract from Jubak of Oriental Herbal Liquor

Su-min Lee*1, Sang-Jin Lee*1*,*2, Yi-Young Kwon*1, Sang-Hoon Baek*1, Jong-Sik Kim*3, Ho-Yong Sohn*4, and Woo-Chang Shin*1

*1Research Laboratories, Kooksoondang Brewery Co., Ltd.; *2Research Center for Cell Fate Control, College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University; *3Department of Biological Sciences and *4Department of Food and Nutrition, Andong National University


Oriental herbal liquor (Yakju) is a type of Korean traditional alcoholic beverage that uses Nuruk and oriental herbs for fermentation. The purpose of this study was to develop cosmetic ingredients using Jubak, which is a by-product of alcoholic fermentation of oriental herbal liquor. To investigate antioxidant, whitening, and anti-aging effects of Jubak, we prepared extract of Jubak and its solvent fractions. Ethyl acetate fraction (KSD E4-3) showed the most prominent free radical [1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)] scavenging activity (SC50: 0.75 mg/mL). KSD E4-3 significantly inhibited in vitro mushroom tyrosinase activity (IC50: 0.82 mg/mL) and reduced the melanin contents in mouse melanoma melanocyte, B16F10 cells. KSD E4-3 down-regulated protein expression of tyrosinase related proteins (TRP)-1, -2, which play key roles in melanogenesis. For anti-aging effects, inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) expression was evaluated using human keratinocyte, HaCaT cells. Treatment of HaCaT cells with KSD E4-3 reduced expression of MMP-1, -2, -9 and inhibited proteolytic activities of MMP-2, -9. These results suggest that KSD E4-3 induces down-regulation of cellular melanogenesis and protects against photoaging induced by UVB-induced damage. Thus KSD E4-3 could potentially be a valuable cosmetic ingredient.

Keywords: antioxidant, anti-melanogenesis, anti-wrinkle, oriental herbal liquor, Jubak