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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2013; 42(10): 1585-1591

Published online October 31, 2013

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Effects of Exercise Training on the Relationship with Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression and Leptin mRNA Expression in Hypothalamus, Serum Leptin, and Anti-obesity in High-fat Diet-induced Obese Rats

Sang Heon Woo, Sunghwun Kang, Jinhee Woo, and Ki Ok Shin

Laboratory of Exercise Biochemistry and Physiology, Dept. of Physical Education, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea


The purpose of this study is to examine how to relate with hypothalamus protein BDNF and mRNA leptin expression, and test the effect of exercise training upon anti-obesity in high-fat induced obese rats. Weight and plasma TC of the high-fat diet group (HF) significantly reduced in comparison to those in the high-fat diet and training group (HF-T), high-fat diet and normal diet group (HF-ND), and high-fat diet, training, and normal diet group (HF-ND+T) (P<0.05). Plasm TG of the HF group significantly decreased in comparison to the HF-ND+T group (P< 0.05). The plasma leptin level significantly reduced in the HF-T group in comparison to the HF group, in the HF-ND group compared to the HF-T group, and the HF-ND+T group in comparison to the HF-ND group (P<0.05, respectively). All groups were significantly increased in hypothalamus BDNF protein expression in comparison to the HF group. In hypothalamus leptin mRNA expression, the HF-T and HF-ND groups reduced, but the HF-NF+T group increased in comparison to the HF group. This result suggests that it shows the effect of exercise training upon anti-obesity in high-fat diet induced obese rats and the combined exercise and/or normal diet may affect the optimal obesity improvement and prevention in appetite and weight control.

Keywords: exercise, high-fat diet, BDNF, leptin, obesity



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2013; 42(10): 1585-1591

Published online October 31, 2013

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

고지방 식이 섭취로 유발된 비만 쥐의 시상하부 BDNF발현과 렙틴 mRNA 발현, 혈청 렙틴과 항비만과의 관계에 대한 운동트레이닝의 효과

Effects of Exercise Training on the Relationship with Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression and Leptin mRNA Expression in Hypothalamus, Serum Leptin, and Anti-obesity in High-fat Diet-induced Obese Rats

Sang Heon Woo, Sunghwun Kang, Jinhee Woo, and Ki Ok Shin

Laboratory of Exercise Biochemistry and Physiology, Dept. of Physical Education, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea


The purpose of this study is to examine how to relate with hypothalamus protein BDNF and mRNA leptin expression, and test the effect of exercise training upon anti-obesity in high-fat induced obese rats. Weight and plasma TC of the high-fat diet group (HF) significantly reduced in comparison to those in the high-fat diet and training group (HF-T), high-fat diet and normal diet group (HF-ND), and high-fat diet, training, and normal diet group (HF-ND+T) (P<0.05). Plasm TG of the HF group significantly decreased in comparison to the HF-ND+T group (P< 0.05). The plasma leptin level significantly reduced in the HF-T group in comparison to the HF group, in the HF-ND group compared to the HF-T group, and the HF-ND+T group in comparison to the HF-ND group (P<0.05, respectively). All groups were significantly increased in hypothalamus BDNF protein expression in comparison to the HF group. In hypothalamus leptin mRNA expression, the HF-T and HF-ND groups reduced, but the HF-NF+T group increased in comparison to the HF group. This result suggests that it shows the effect of exercise training upon anti-obesity in high-fat diet induced obese rats and the combined exercise and/or normal diet may affect the optimal obesity improvement and prevention in appetite and weight control.

Keywords: exercise, high-fat diet, BDNF, leptin, obesity