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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978


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Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2019; 48(11): 1280-1290

Published online November 30, 2019

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Evaluation of Dietary Behavior and Nutritional Status of Children at Community Child Center according to Family Meal Frequency in Gyoengbuk Area Using Nutrition Quotient

Kyung-A Lee

Department of Food & Nutrition, Catholic University of Daegu


This study investigated dietary behaviors and nutritional status of children at a community child center in the Gyeongbuk area using the Nutrition Quotient for Children (NQ). Our survey was administered to 286 children at 22 child centers from February 27 to March 30, 2017. The mean score of the children’s NQ was poor, reaching 55.3 points. The percentage distribution of the NQ grade was as follows: 2.4% (highest), 8.7% (high), 38.8% (medium), 23.8% (low), 26.2% (lowest). Average scores of all five factors were below the NQ cut-off points for defining malnutrition. The group having more frequent family meals showed a significantly higher NQ score and grade than the lower group. The scores for diversity, regularity, and practice factor were higher in the group with frequent family meals than in the lower group. The NQ score and grade of the group having more frequent family meals were significantly higher than those of the lower group. NQ scores and NQ grades for children at community child centers were lower than national averages and distribution. In addition, students in the group having more frequent family meals were found to have positive dietary behaviors. Therefore, a parent education program is needed for children. Considering diverse types of families, nutritional education for children in schools and community child centers is a must.

Keywords: community child center, children, nutrition quotient, family meal



Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2019; 48(11): 1280-1290

Published online November 30, 2019

Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

어린이 영양지수(NQ)를 이용한 경북 일부 지역아동센터 아동의 가족식사 빈도에 따른 식행동 및 영양 상태 평가

Evaluation of Dietary Behavior and Nutritional Status of Children at Community Child Center according to Family Meal Frequency in Gyoengbuk Area Using Nutrition Quotient

Kyung-A Lee

Department of Food & Nutrition, Catholic University of Daegu


This study investigated dietary behaviors and nutritional status of children at a community child center in the Gyeongbuk area using the Nutrition Quotient for Children (NQ). Our survey was administered to 286 children at 22 child centers from February 27 to March 30, 2017. The mean score of the children’s NQ was poor, reaching 55.3 points. The percentage distribution of the NQ grade was as follows: 2.4% (highest), 8.7% (high), 38.8% (medium), 23.8% (low), 26.2% (lowest). Average scores of all five factors were below the NQ cut-off points for defining malnutrition. The group having more frequent family meals showed a significantly higher NQ score and grade than the lower group. The scores for diversity, regularity, and practice factor were higher in the group with frequent family meals than in the lower group. The NQ score and grade of the group having more frequent family meals were significantly higher than those of the lower group. NQ scores and NQ grades for children at community child centers were lower than national averages and distribution. In addition, students in the group having more frequent family meals were found to have positive dietary behaviors. Therefore, a parent education program is needed for children. Considering diverse types of families, nutritional education for children in schools and community child centers is a must.

Keywords: community child center, children, nutrition quotient, family meal