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JKFN Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition

Online ISSN 2288-5978

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  • Article l 2024-12-31

    Effects of Supplementation with Far Infrared-Processed Hemp Seed Oil and Olive Oil Mixture on Choline-Deficient Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice

    Mi-Rae Shin , Sung Mi Chung , Min Ju Kim , Hui Yeon An ,Il-Ha Jeong , Woo Rak Lee , and Seong-Soo Roh

    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver condition seen across the world. It is characterized by fat accumulation in hepatocytes, hepatic inflammation, fibrosis, and it elevates the risk of cirrhosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether supplementation with a far infrared-processed hemp seed oil and olive oil mixture (FM) alters hepatic lipid accumulation in a choline-deficient high-fat diet (CDHFD)-induced NASH model. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed CDHFD for 14 weeks, and drug treatments (FML; FM low dose 1 mL/kg, FMH; FM high dose 2 mL/kg) were administered for 4 weeks, starting from week 11. While a high-fat diet (HFD) caused significant weight gain within 3 weeks, CDHFD feeding resulted in a slower rate of weight increase, with noticeable differences emerging only after 8 weeks. Notably, there was no significant difference in body weight between the CDHFD-Control group and the FM treatment group throughout the experiment. Relative fat weight (%) based on fat and body weight increased significantly in both the HFD-Control and CDHFD-Control groups. However, it was dramatically reduced following FM treatment. Specifically, FML treatment produced a 13.96% greater reduction in fat weight compared to the FMH treatment. Furthermore, FML therapy effectively suppressed lipid-related factors and inflammatory proteins in both serum and liver tissue. Additionally, FML therapy was more effective than FMH in attenuating intrahepatic lipid accumulation and decreasing adipocyte size. In conclusion, our results suggest that FML may be a promising candidate for the treatment and prevention of NASH.Key words : hemp seed oil, olive oil, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, high-fat diet

  • Article l 2024-12-31

    The Anti-fatigue Effects of Steam-Dried Immature Ginseng Berry Extract in Forced Swimming Test Mice Models

    Ji Hye Yoon , Seung-Yun Cha , Sungho Maeng , Yongjin Shin , Myeongae Park , and Jinkyung Kim

    In this study, we aimed to examine the anti-fatigue effects of steam-dried ginseng berry extract (SGBE) in a forced swimming test (FST) mice model. After 8 weeks of intervention, the SGBE groups were observed to have a protective effect against decreased blood glucose levels after the FST. In the SGBE groups, the blood lactate levels significantly decreased, while lactate dehydrogenase activity significantly increased after the FST compared with the control group. There was no difference in liver glycogen levels among the groups. However, the gastrocnemius muscle glycogen levels were significantly higher in the SGBE groups in a concentration-dependent manner compared with the control group. The blood free fatty levels were also found to remain high in the SGBE groups compared with the control group. These results suggest that SGBE can aid in fatigue recovery by reducing blood lactate levels and sustaining the energy supply necessary for muscles during high-intensity exercise.Key words : steam-dried ginseng berry, anti-fatigue, forced swimming test

  • This study was designed to investigate if filtered coffee can lower liver and adipose tissue fat accumulation in rats fed a high-fat diet. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were initially fed a standard AIN-93 diet supplemented with 3% lard and 0.2% cholesterol for 4 weeks. Then, they were weight-matched and assigned to the following two groups: 1) Control group: Rats were fed the standard AIN-93G diet alone, and 2) Coffee group: Rats were fed the standard AIN-93G diet mixed with filtered coffee powder. At weeks 4, the liver and visceral fat tissues (epididymal and retroperitoneal fats) were collected and measured. Liver lipids were separated by solid phase extraction into cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and phospholipids, and their respective fatty acid compositions were measured. The concentrations of fatty acids in epididymal and retroperitoneal fats were measured. Filtered coffee significantly lowered fat accumulation in the liver and in visceral fats. Fatty acid levels of the hepatic cholesterol esters and triglyceride fractions were reduced by filtered coffee consumption. Also, filtered coffee resulted in significant reductions in the fatty acid levels of epididymal and retroperitoneal fats. Taken together, the results indicate that filtered coffee has an inhibitory effect on fat accumulation in both the liver and visceral fat tissues, suggesting that drinking filtered coffee daily can be useful as a dietary anti-obesity means.Key words : filtered coffee, fat accumulation, high-fat diet, rats

  • Cyanidin, an anthocyanin pigment responsible for the red, purple, and blue hues in various fruits and flowers, exhibits a wide range of biological activities, including potential anti-aging effects. In this study, we investigated the effects of cyanidin on aging and neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans. Cyanidin treatment extended the lifespan of C. elegans by approximately 15% compared to dimethyl sulfoxide-treated controls. Additionally, neurodegeneration assays showed a more than 20% reduction in the frequency of abnormal mechanosensory neuron formation and a 19% improvement in nerve function. Short-term memory was also enhanced by approximately 40%. These effects are likely mediated by cyanidin’s antioxidant properties, activation of age-related gene pathways, involvement in mitochondrial uncoupling, reduction of reactive oxygen species, and enhanced mitophagy. Our findings suggest that cyanidin holds promise as a candidate for preventing aging and neurodegenerative diseases, warranting further research into its potential applications in the development of functional foods and therapeutic products.Key words : cyanidin, Caenorhabditis elegans, aging, longevity, neurodegeneration

  • Article l 2024-12-31

    Effects of Blackcurrant Extract on H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in C2C12 Myotubes

    Jimin Kim , Youree Nam , Yeji Kim , and Kyungah Kim

    Muscle atrophy is a loss of muscle mass and function caused by several factors, including aging. It is imperative to investigate natural substances with the potential to prevent muscle atrophy. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of blackcurrant extract (BCE) on H2O2-induced muscle atrophy in C2C12 myotubes. C2C12 myoblasts were differentiated into myotubes and then treated with BCE and H2O2 for 24 h. May-Grunwald Giemsa staining was performed to assess myotube width, revealing that BCE significantly promoted myotube width in a concentration- dependent manner. The expression levels of antioxidant enzymes, muscle atrophy-related markers, and signaling pathways were determined using western blot analysis. BCE treatment upregulated the expression of the antioxidant enzyme, heme oxygenase-1, and its regulatory transcription factor, nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2. Furthermore, the BCE treatment suppressed the expression of muscle atrophy-related markers, such as muscle RING-finger protein-1 and atrogin-1/muscle atrophy F-box. The protective effects of BCE against muscle atrophy were mechanistically attributed to its upregulation of the silent information regulator T1/adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α (Sirt1/AMPK/PGC-1α) signaling pathway. These results demonstrate that the antioxidant capacity of BCE can ameliorate H2O2-induced muscle atrophy by activating the Sirt1/AMPK/PGC-1α signaling pathway. Additionally, the study suggests that BCE has the potential to be used as a functional food ingredient for preventing muscle atrophy caused by oxidative stress.Key words : blackcurrant, C2C12 myotubes, skeletal muscle atrophy, oxidative stress, H2O2

  • Article l 2024-12-31

    Analysis of Flavor and Taste Patterns of Various Processed Animal Foods: Using the Electronic Tongue and Nose

    Hee Sung Moon , Se Young Yu , Younglan Ban , Hyeonjin Park , Sojeong Yoon , Na Eun Yang, Seong Jun Hong , Hyun-Wook Kim, Kyeong Soo Kim, Eun Ju Jeong, and Eui-Cheol Shin

    In this study, the flavor patterns of 20 processed foods in four different formulations (jerky-type, stick-type, puffed-type, and thermally processed-type) were analyzed. The electronic tongue was used for taste analysis, and the electronic nose was used for volatile aroma compound analysis. Thermal processed foods were associated with salty taste, while jerky-type and puffed-type processed foods were associated with umami taste using the electronic tongue analysis. The electronic nose results showed 49, 26, 55, and 56 volatile compounds in the jerky type, the stick-type, the puffed-type, and the thermal processed-types, respectively. Multivariate analysis using electronic tongue sensor values, volatile aroma compounds, and nutritional content showed that volatile aroma compounds played a more important role than taste components. These results are expected to be used as a basis for the development of various processed food formulations.Key words : formulation, processed food, nutritional content, electronic tongue, electronic nose

  • Burdock (Arctium lappa L.) was freeze-dried and dried with hot air and extracted with extraction solvents (distilled water, 60% and 95% ethanol) to compare the differences in the quality characteristics, bioactive substances and antioxidant contents. Hot-air-dried burdock had higher moisture and crude protein contents than freeze-dried burdock, while there was no difference in ash and crude fat contents. The pH and soluble solids were higher in the freeze-dried burdock, and total acidity was higher in the hot-air-dried burdock. Freeze-dried burdock had a higher lightness than hot-air-dried burdock, but its redness, yellowness, and browning index were lower. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid content was higher in the freeze-dried burdock than in the hot-air-dried burdock. With respect to the extraction solvents, the 60% ethanol extract was higher, followed by distilled water and 95% ethanol. The antioxidant activity was generally higher in the freeze-dried burdock than in the hot-air-dried burdock, and the 95% ethanol extract showed better results than the 60% ethanol or distilled water extracts. Based on these results, to increase the physiologically active substances and antioxidant efficacy of burdock, it is better to process it by freeze-drying and extract it with 60% ethanol or 95% ethanol rather than distilled water alone.Key words : burdock, freeze-dried, hot air-dried, extraction solvent, antioxidant

  • Article l 2024-12-31

    Quality Characteristics of Dried Noodles Prepared with Red Snow Crab Body Shell Powder

    Jin Lee , Min Jeong Jung, Ju Yeon Park, Ji Seong Hong, Ga Yang Lee, Jong Woong Nam, Joon Young Jun, and Byoung-Mok Kim

    In this study, we investigated the noodle-making process and quality characteristics of dried noodles prepared with crab body shell powder (CBSP). We sought to determine the optimal amount of CBSP to be added while manufacturing the noodle product, and to provide basic data for the possibility of using it as a food ingredient and for the development of new products. The moisture content of the dried noodles decreased depending on the amount of CBSP, but the ash, crude protein, crude fat, and sodium chloride (NaCl) contents increased compared to the control group. The cross-sectional observation showed that the excessive addition of CBSP had a negative effect on the gluten network structure inside the noodles, which lowered the density between the particles. The weight, volume, and moisture absorption of the cooked noodles decreased depending on the amount of CBSP added, and the turbidity, which indicates the loss of solids, increased. The brightness and redness of the cooked noodles increased depending on the amount of CBSP added, while the yellowness decreased. Hardness, gumminess, and chewiness increased in the noodles prepared with up to 4% CBSP and then decreased from 6% CBSP onwards. Based on these results, it is considered desirable to add about 2~4% CBSP while manufacturing dried noodles, as the excessive addition of crab shell powder may result in a deterioration in the quality characteristics of the noodles.Key words : seafood by-product, crab body shell, availability promotion, dried noodles

  • This study was based on a literature search of academic journals from the years 1980 to 2023 and sought to investigate the trends in the quality characteristics of yakju based on its processing method. The objective of this study was to examine the research done on the subject and to identify the direction for future research. A literature review was carried out using the keyword ‘yakju’ and a content analysis was undertaken. The classification was conducted based on the effects of the material treatment methods (milling, varieties of rice, and other treatments), fermentation technology (fermentation agents, filtration, other fermentation techniques), the addition of sub-materials like acorn, Portulaca oleracea L. powder, Dandelion root, Jerusalem artichoke, and citron powder, and aging technology on the quality of yakju. We collected 82 articles, including articles that did not have the ‘yakju’ keyword (4 articles) and those that had general content regarding yakju (4 articles). Of the remaining 74 articles divided into 4 categories, the largest number of articles involved the ‘addition of sub-materials’ (30 articles) followed by ‘fermentation technology’ (21 articles), ‘material treatment methods’ (13 articles), and so on. Research on ‘yakju’ began in the 1980s. The largest number of articles were published in the 2010s. These comprised 34 articles (43.6%), of which 18 articles (23.1%) were from the Journal of Food Science and Technology. This study suggests that not much research has been done on the quality of yakju during aging or storage. Hence, it is expected that related studies will be done in the future, and the current study will provide the basic data for such future studies.Key words : yakju, processing, quality, trends, method

  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the pasting characteristics of freeze-dried black rice flour fermented with probiotics, providing foundational data for diversifying related materials and products. The control sample had a pH of 6.78, whereas black rice flour fermented with complex lactic acid bacteria exhibited a pH range of 4.22~4.80. The water absorption index and water solubility index were highest in the YM-1.0 treatment group, measuring 1.31 and 4.52%, respectively. In particle size analysis, the mass-median-diameter (D50) of black rice flour fermented with complex lactic acid bacteria ranged from 4.65 to 5.47 μm, with CH-1 exhibiting high dispersion. Scanning electron microscope images confirmed that probiotic-fermented black rice flour samples had smaller particles compared to the control. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that all samples showed strong peaks at diffraction angles of approximately 15°, 17°, and 23°, consistent with a crystal structure similar to the A curve. Amylogram measurements showed that YF-0.5 had the lowest peak viscosity, cooling viscosity, and breakdown viscosity. The setback value was the lowest in CH-1.0. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed that the control sample exhibited the lowest onset temperature, peak temperature, end temperature, and enthalpy values, while CH-0.5 showed the highest end temperature and enthalpy values.Key words : black rice, flour, complex lactic acid bacteria, gelatinization, fermentation

  • Note l 2024-12-31

    Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of 20 Medicinal Plant Extracts

    Min Kyung Gu , Ha Young Song, Eun Ah Hong, Yun Jo Jung, Yeon Jae Jo, Junsoo Lee, and Heon Sang Jeong

    This study evaluated the antioxidant activities and tyrosinase and collagenase inhibitory activities of 20 medicinal plant extracts for use in the development of anti-aging agents for the skin. The highest values of 2,2′-azino- bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity were 31.54 and 21.71 mg AAE/sample g in the water extract of Paeonia suffruticosa and 81.35 and 51.70 mg AAE/sample g in the 70% ethanol extract of Trapa japonica, respectively. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity was highest in the water and 70% ethanol extracts at 39.18% and 72.51% for the P. suffruticosa and T. japonica extracts, respectively, and lowest for the Glycine max extract. Collagenase inhibitory activity ranged from 14.18% to 70.22% and 20.75% to 85.81% in the water and 70% ethanol extracts, respectively, with the P. suffruticosa 70% ethanol extract showing the highest inhibition at 85.81%. Correlation analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between the antioxidant and anti-aging activities. These results suggest that medicinal plant extracts have antioxidant and skin anti-aging effects. This data can be used for the future development of functional materials.Key words : medicinal plants, antioxidant activity, anti-aging activity, tyrosinase inhibitory activity, collagenase inhibitory activity

  • Note l 2024-12-31

    Survey of Radiation Concentrations in Domestic Seafoods Distributed in Jeju Island

    Ji-Hyeon Park , Jin-Suk Im , Gyeong-A Ko , and Sung-Soo Park

    Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, concerns regarding the radioactive contamination of fishery products have intensified, particularly due to the release of contaminated water from Fukushima since 2023. This study aimed to assess the radioactivity levels in domestic fishery products distributed and sold in Jeju. The radionuclides were analyzed utilizing High Purity Germanium detectors and included the naturally occurring 40K and artificial radionuclides 134Cs, 137Cs, and 131I. The concentration of 40K ranged from 47.4 to 533.1 Bq/kg, while 134Cs, 137Cs, and 131I remained undetected, being below the minimum detectable activity levels. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the radioactivity concentrations in Jeju fishery products remain within safe limits.Key words : radioactivity concentration, fishery products, Jeju


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December 2024
Vol.53 No.12

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Print ISSN 1226-3311 Online ISSN 2288-5978